Texas A&M University Class Ring Custom Ring Guard Casting
Texas A&M University Class Ring Custom Ring Guard Casting
Here is a ring guard we designed for a client’s customer over in Texas. The center class ring is the customers and we modeled the guard to fit around their ring as well as use the majority of their diamonds.
You might notice two sharpie lines on either side of the class ring. This was just made before shipping the ring to us to indicate where the customer wanted the diamonds to stop.
Everything lines perfectly, but might look a little off in the video as the class ring is just gently resting within the guard at the moment. That’s why the bottom parts of the shanks a tad off. Once the guard is filed, cleaned up, set, and polished the two will fit together smoothly.
If you are looking to have a shadow band, ring guard, or enhancer designed for your ring or class ring contact us today.