Recreated Floral Pattern Bangle Bracelet Casting
Recreated Floral Pattern Bangle Bracelet Casting
Here is a bangle bracelet we helped a client’s customer recreate after their original accidentally gotten melted. We had a section of the bracelet that was sent to work from, but the center details were completely lost. In the video posted below there is an image of what the part that was recovered. We matched the design as close as possible, but even though it was saved some of the finer details weren’t all there as they had begun to melt or melted metal had attached on top of it.
With that being said the idea for the new bracelet was to recreate the original side and reverse it on the opposite side of the bracelet. Then to create something new for the center design. It took a couple of revisions, but the customer liked having a single larger center flower as it was elegant and flowed with the rest of the pattern.
We’ve already shipped the out, but from the images we had been sending out our client and their customer, they were happy with the new design. If they send over any images of the final piece I’ll be sure to post a follow up.
If you are looking to have anything custom made feel free to reach out.