Moore's Jewelers
Custom Made Anchor Pendant
Custom Made Anchor Pendant
Here is one of the 3d prints for an anchor pendant we designed for a client. It's one of the 3d prints, because we ended up doing several different print variations playing with the slice settings to use the printed layer lines as a type of wood grain texture for the pendant.
The one shown here was the first pass with the settings the customer liked best, but this print wasn’t as clean as we would have liked so we went back and adjusted the settings just a tad.
The reason this print is being shown off instead of the final one along with the casting is this was made last year during the holidays of 2024 and we were swamped. A good number of orders needed to go out before any videos could have been made.
However since this video is being made after the fact, I can say out client let us know their customer loved the final piece and the idea to use the layer lines as a texture turned out great in the final pendant.
If you are looking to have a custom pendant made feel free to contact us today!