
Completed Willow Tree Pendant Custom Design

Completed Willow Tree Pendant Custom Design

Today I wanted to show off what might be the final update for the willow tree pendant we made for a client over in North Carolina. I say it might be the final update because our client’s customer is still deciding how they are wanting the antiquing or blacken back ground applied.  We’ve done a couple variations so far, but if any other changes are made I’ll post a follow up.

Overall, it’s a pretty unique and sharp looking pendant. Our client’s told us the customer loves the  design, but it’s just the antiquing the customer is going back and forth on. To us, from the information we’ve been provided, it sounds like the customer is actually wanting a natural patina look that would come over time from wearing the pendant, but is also drawn towards this type of blackened backdrop from images they’re searching online and suggestions from friends.

We’re more than happy to adjust the piece as many times as the customer would like, but sometimes having too many suggestions can cause the original vision to become lost. If you have a customer who is looking to have a one of a kind pendant design contact us today! We can make just about anything they are trying to create.
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