14k White Gold Matching Shadow Band
14k White Gold Matching Shadow Band
Here is a shadow band we were asked to create by matching an identical shadow band the customer already had. For the most part the band is exactly the same as the original however the curve along the top had to be slightly longer because of how the engagement ring was designed. Our client was ordering the stones for their customer so we were only asked to complete the process up until the casting. Their jewelers will be setting and finishing the ring. We don't have a final image of the completed ring, but out client did tell us their customer was thrilled with the final product. If you are wanting to have something custom made feel free to contact us. Always happy to help!
Tags: #mooresjewelers #shadowband #casting #14k #whitegold #weddingband #engagementring #weddingset #jewelry #jewellery
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Tags: #mooresjewelers #shadowband #casting #14k #whitegold #weddingband #engagementring #weddingset #jewelry #jewellery